The World Affairs Council of Western Massachusetts

Israel at 70 Years

A talk given by Yehuda Yaakov, Consul General of Israel to New England speaking at a World Affairs Council of Western Massachusetts Instant Issues Brown Bag lunchtime discussion series event.

Yehuda Yaakov has been the Consul General of Israel to New England since February 2014. He has focused largely on strengthening values-driven partnerships between Israel and New England in the areas of business, academia and social justice. He is also involved in regionally-based coexistence projects.

Consul General Yaakov has spent most of his diplomatic career on issues pertinent to Israel’s security. This experience has included heading the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s department for non-conventional weapons prevention (2004-2007), as well as establishing and running the homeland security and counter-terrorism unit (2001-2004). In 2012, he received the Ministry’s award for excellence for his work on the Iranian crisis.

He has also served outside Israel in New York and New Zealand.

CG Yaakov’s career has also included academic pursuits. In the spring of 2013 he published a translated version of his Haifa University master’s thesis analyzing the nuclear negotiations strategy of Iran’s currant president Hassan Rouhani.

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