Founded in 1926 in Springfield, Massachusetts, the World Affairs Council of Western Massachusetts works to connect the people and businesses of the region to the world. Your tax deductible donation is used to help us increase public awareness about foreign policy and global affairs, to foster civil and informed discourse around these topics, and to provide local opportunities for citizen diplomacy.
How we do this:
- We host speakers at events ranging from formal dinners to more casual programs such as our Instant Issues Brown Bag lunches or evening receptions.
- We foster citizen diplomacy through our connection to the US State Dept's International Leadership Visitors Program, which brings future leaders from around the world to the United States to meet with their American peers and provides opportunities for members to engage in citizen diplomacy by meeting with or hosting visitors in their homes for dinner.
- We partner with local educators to enrich students’ classroom experience by hearing from Council speakers or attending an international career panel.
- We plan and run social events including our Adventures in International Dining held at local restaurants, watch parties for significant global events such as presidential foreign policy debates, and other informal gatherings.
Thank you for helping to make our work possible.