The World Affairs Council of Western Massachusetts

Instant Issues in February: NYU’s Alejandro Velasco on Venezuela

Dr. Alejandro Velasco of New York University


Dr. Alejandro Velasco of New York University will speak at an Instant Issues brown bag lunchtime discussion series event at noon on Friday, February 15, 2019 in the 3rd Floor Community Room, the MassLive Building at 1350 Main Street, in downtown Springfield on  Oil, Socialism and Crisis in Venezuela .


The cost with a box lunch–tuna, turkey, vegetarian or roast beef sandwich–is $20 for Council members and $25 for nonmembers. The cost for members without a lunch is $5 and for nonmembers, $10.

The RSVP deadline is Thursday, February 13, 2019.

Alejandro Velasco is a historian of modern Latin America whose research and teaching interests are in the areas of social movements, urban culture and democratization. His book,  Barrio Rising: Urban Popular Politics and the Making of Modern Venezuela (University of California Press, 2015), couples archival and ethnographic research to examine how residents of Venezuela’s largest public housing community pursued full citizenship during the heyday of Latin America’s once-model democracy.

Dr. Velasco will have recently returned from Venezuela when he speaks to us.

The Instant Issues series is generously sponsored by Wilbraham & Monson Academy & Sir Speedy. Special thanks to NAI Plotkin and 1350 Main LLC.

Valet parking is now provided by the MassLive Building. Rates are $2 for the first 20 minutes, $4 for 20 minutes to 2 hours, and $2 per each additional hour. The parking station is on City Hall Place, around the corner from Court Street, between City Hall and 1350 Main Street. Currently the Council does not validate parking.

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